Zionsville Tuesday Tales for Tots
Ages 12 - 35 months. Please call 317-873-8342 to inquire about registering.
Time: 9:30am - 10:00am Location: Mayfield RoomOur mission is service. One of the best ways we serve our community is through our programs and events. We have events for all ages. Explore storytime sessions for kids, teen council meetings, or book clubs for adults. Use the calendar to find events for the entire family. Check back for events, special sessions, and opportunities to get involved with the Library and your community!
We’d love for you and your family to come join the fun and learning that is happening at our Library! Our events calendar is always busy with events, classes, courses, book clubs, gatherings, and more. Take a moment to check out our online calendar and see upcoming events for all ages.
Ages 12 - 35 months. Please call 317-873-8342 to inquire about registering.
Time: 9:30am - 10:00am Location: Mayfield RoomJoin to learn how to play the classic card game, Euchre, at the Whitestown branch. Spend a few hours competing to trump your opponents in a game of strategy and luck while also getting to know your neighbors! Whether it's your first time or you are a skilled euchre player, all are welcome.
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm Location: Community RoomAges Birth - 11 months.
Time: 11:30am - 12:00pm Location: Whitestown Branch - Children's AreaAll adults welcome to join this group to discuss, summarize and give a starred review to titles recently listened to or read. Monthly meetings now alternate between our branches. March's meeting will be in Zionsville.
Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm Location: Zionsville Branch - Conversation Corner