Color Our World Gala – Saturday, May 31st, 2025
Get dressed up, have fun, and wear your sneakers!
Tickets available now!


March is Disability Awareness Month

March is Disability Awareness Month

In our state of Indiana, March is Disability Awareness month.  According to the Indiana Disability Awareness website, “adults and children with disabilities represent slightly more than 19 percent of Indiana’s population,” making awareness an important initiative in our communities.  The Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities (GCPD), which spearheads Disability Awareness Month, endeavors “to promote the independence, integration, and inclusion of all people with disabilities.”  The theme for this year’s campaign is “Be Cool. We Are.

Here at the Library, we are fortunate enough to work with a spokesperson for Disability Awareness Month, Jackson Bullington, one of our shelving staff members.  Jackson was recently filmed for part of this year’s awareness video and we wanted to share the video with our HMMPL community!

For more information on Disability Awareness month and the GCPD’s awareness campaign, please visit