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World War II Newspapers on Display

World War II Newspapers on Display

A peak into the ’40s

A collection of vintage World War II era newspapers are on display at the Library as part of the United We Read Boone County reading program. A kind patron anonymously donated these pieces of history that are now view able inside the Library’s 6th Street entrance.  Headlines proclaim key events such as: Europe Invaded!, President Franklin D. Roosevelt Dies!

Since we do not know who donated the newspapers to the Library, we can only speculate that they were trying to document key moments in time. Mission accomplished. Now, we get to enjoy a peak into the way our society received their news. The papers on display all come from the Michigan area, so you may also notice local stories and period advertising.

Please note, the newspapers on display at the top of the stairs in the nonfiction area are replicas of Hawaiian papers printed the day after the Pearl Harbor attack. At least that’s what the stamp on the back of the sheets state.

These displays match the theme of our United We Read pick, Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Eagan. The story is set during the war and follows the life of Anna Kerrigan as she becomes the first female wreck diver. Readers will find themselves immersed in 1940s New York City when gangsters ruled and Nazi subs prowled the beach. What will become of Anna as she strikes up a relationship with crime boss Dexter Styles, a man who may have information about her father’s disappearance?

Discover Anna’s fate by reading or downloading Manhattan Beach. Then, join us for more United We Read events through November 15. We look forward to seeing you at the Library and hearing how you liked this intriguing book!

Manhattan Beach Book Discussion

Tuesday, October 2 @ 6 PM


Our Service, Our Stories

Tuesday, October 16 @ 7 PM


An Evening with Ernie Pyle

Wednesday, October 17 @ 7 PM


The Music of World War II

Thursday, November 15 @ 7 PM