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More services, more convenience, stronger community


Grand Opening is April 20

The Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library Board of Trustees and staff are pleased to be able to announce April 20 as the new date for the Whitestown Branch Grand Opening!

The celebration will begin at 2 PM with speakers, followed by the official ribbon cutting. We look forward to opening our doors at 2:30 PM!

We appreciate the support we have received from the community throughout this project, particularly the outpouring of offers to help after our original grand opening date had to be postponed.  It is a pleasure to invite residents to see, explore and use the new Hussey-Mayfield Library – Whitestown Branch at 6310 Albert S. White Drive, Whitestown. We look forward to seeing many of you at this fun celebration!

Several activities are being planned!  Read more about the schedule of events on the blog!  Please make plans now to attend and enjoy the festivities!

One Library, Many Locations

The 23,000 square-foot branch at 6310 Albert S. White Drive in Whitestown will serve as a second location for HMMPL and will complement the current location with a large green space, exterior patios and porches, and a large community meeting room available for patrons both during and outside of regular business hours. The branch features a larger, fully-equipped MakerStudio, a sound booth, study rooms and programming spaces.

Our goal was to build a branch that meets the needs of our growing community well into the future. You can revisit the construction process through our monthly photo galleries on our Events Gallery page.  Browse the Fact Sheet for quick information about the new branch.  Below you can find Branch News, explore the Branch FAQ, and meet the Whitestown Branch Advisory Group.

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Branch News


What are the benefits of a new branch?

Opening a second location will strengthen our entire community. Studies show that students with access to a local library excel academically. Plus, our new Whitestown Branch will provide added space for public use, like meeting and study rooms, as well as more capacity for programming and services. This branch will be accessible to ALL of our cardholders, many of whom might find it conveniently located near popular shopping centers, schools, and their daily commute.

What about residents in Perry Township?

HMMPL hopes to expand our service area to include Perry Township residents in the future. Currently, each resident is able to enjoy full library services by purchasing a discounted Library card. Please contact our Circulation staff at 317-873-8340 for more information.

What is the timeline for expanding service?

In August 2020, Worth Township was officially added to the HMMPL service area, allowing residents to obtain a Library card and use all of the existing Library services.  A new branch located at 6310 E. Albert S. White Drive in Whitestown is currently under construction, with plans to open by 1st Quarter 2024.

How big will the new branch be?

The 23,000 square-foot building will be one-story and will house a full-service branch with many features and spaces including study rooms, meeting rooms, programming spaces, a large MakerStudio and a sound booth.  The branch will also house a large community meeting room that can be used for events and activities.

How much will the new branch cost to build?

Construction of the new branch is expected to cost approximately $8 million, which will be paid for by a capital bond approved in August 2021.  Payments for the new bond will not start until after June 2023, just as the old debt service levy is rolling off, so there will be minimal impact on the debt service rate.

Who will pay for the new branch?

Residents in the HMMPL service area (Worth, Eagle and Union Township) will share the cost equally.

How will this new branch affect my taxes?

The rate and terms for construction of the new branch were adjusted to keep tax rates consistent with rates from 2020. Therefore, the only increase taxpayers will see is for the operation of the new branch. This amounts to approximately 2-cents per every $100 of assessed value. Therefore, a $400,000 home can expect to pay about $43 more per year starting in 2023.  

This amount is expected to decrease each year as the community continues to grow.

Homeowners who have already met their tax cap will not see an overall increase in their property taxes.

Where will the branch be built?

The new branch will be located at 6310 E. Albert S. White Drive, Whitestown, IN. Made possible through a generous land donation by the Town of Whitestown, the site is a central, visible location that meets all of the top location and accessibility needs identified by the community.

How can a Worth Township Resident get a Library Card?

Residents may bring their ID, listing their current home address, to the Library to get a card for themselves. If your
current ID does not list your address, please also bring an official document listing your name and current address, such
as a bank statement or utility bill. Online applications are also accepted at

What will the new branch include?

The new branch will be a full-service branch, with a variety of spaces, programs and services to meet expectations and needs identified by the community. A few highlights include:

  • Designated children, adult and teen areas
  • Quiet study rooms and spaces
  • Indoor and outdoor reading and program spaces
  • A community meeting room, with after-hours access, will be available for large gatherings and public rental.
  • Programs and dedicated staff

How will HMMPL serve Worth Township before the branch officially opens?

Every member of the household in Worth Township can now obtain a HMMPL Library card and enjoy access to the full range of available Library services at the Zionsville location and through the Bookmobile.

The Library attends many Town of Whitestown events and works with the schools and community organizations to provide special programming opportunities for residents. The new bookmobile also provides opportunities to borrow materials or attend programs during scheduled stops, homebound deliveries and offsite events in the area. Click here to see the most recent bookmobile schedule or fill out this form to request a visit to your location!

Who can use the new library branch?

The new branch will be available for all Library cardholders and area visitors, regardless of where they reside.

How can I get involved or express opinions about what I would like to see in a new Library branch?

Those with questions can always send us a message at You can also reach out to our Worth Branch Advisory Group by completing the form below.

Get Involved

Ask a question or share your thoughts with our Worth Branch Advisory Group by completing the form below or sending an email to

Meet our Advisory Team

Jim Baldwin | Worth Township Trustee
Mary Dickerson | Lebanon Community Schools
Kevin Jordan | Member-at-Large
Ken Newell | Boone County Commissioners
Lori Voorhis | Worth Township Trustee
Sharon Walker | Boone County Council
Julie Whitman | Whitestown Town Council

Get Involved

Ask a question or share your thoughts with our Worth Branch Advisory Group by completing the form below or sending an email to


Jim and his family have lived in Worth Township since May 2005. His two sons attend Lebanon High School and Jim serves as the Worth Township Trustee. He is also a manufacturing/project engineer at C.F. Roark Welding & Engineering in Brownsburg, IN.

“I love the library because of the wealth of resources available to the community. It is not just books anymore! I am excited about the new branch not only because it will make accessing these resources easier for the residents of Worth Township, but it will be a great community gathering point for all types of programs, as well as a place for people to meet and just visit.”


Bio coming soon


Cheryl serves as a precertification coordinator for Urology of Indiana. She and her husband, Mike, have been active members of the Whitestown Community for nearly 25 years. Cheryl loves genealogy and reading and is excited for the new HMMPL Whitestown Branch.

“I feel that having a library in our community will be a great thing. It will have activities and events for the children in our community and a safe place for them to learn. I have three grandchildren that live not far from the new branch and can’t wait to bring them there.”


Kevin is a five-year resident of Whitestown and a manager at UnitedHealthcare.

“I have always been fascinated by how a Library is the center of the community, serving each member in a different way. You can learn something new, meet new people, get connected, start a new hobby, use resources for school, find a space for kids to play; the list seems endless and the library serves as a catalyst for those needs and more.  I believe the new location will enhance the member experience in a variety of ways, some subtle and some in more highly anticipated ways. Plus, members will be able to enjoy a commute that may be shorter and/or more convenient for them.”


Ken is a senior infrastructure engineer for Ingram Micro. He and his wife moved to Walker Farms in 2009 and then into Whitestown’s Legacy Core in 2015.

“I’m a fan of the more modern library movement as a ‘second space’ where people from a community can gather, find common interests, learn from each other, and better themselves as well as their ties to their community.
I’m excited about this project because it gives us a chance to build a branch that will hopefully be shaped by our community and bring together a variety of different needs, uses, and interests where we can all find common ground in learning and working together to make ourselves and our town a better place.”


Jon has lived in the Whitestown and Lebanon community for approximately 25 years. For the past 23 years he has served as Fire Marshal for Lucas Oil, Gainbridge Fieldhouse and the Indiana State Fairgrounds and has served on local and state library boards.

I’m so excited to participate in this process of bringing a Library Branch to Whitestown. The citizens especially the children and students of both Zionsville and Lebanon school districts will benefit in countless educational ways and opportunities not only for today, but the future.”


Sharon is a retired Realtor who has served on multiple boards in Boone County. She is currently a Young Living Essential Oils Consultant who continues to actively volunteer in the community. She has lived in Whitestown/Worth Township for 68 years.

“A Library represents knowledge to me. I never want to stop learning and growing. Libraries today provide so many learning experiences through their programs and services. The variety of media offered is so much more extensive than it has ever been. All ages are able to benefit from having access to a Library.

You’ve heard it said that ‘Timing is Everything.’  Our time is now. As the Worth Township Trustee/Assessor in the late 80’s and early 90’s it was a goal to be able build a Library. We have been given a great opportunity to finally get a Library Building of our own. I’m so excited about this that I can barely contain myself.”


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HMMPL Strategic Plan
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